Bio-One Of Chattanooga decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Why You Shouldn’t Clean Up Blood Yourself | Crime Scene Cleaners

Why You Shouldn’t Clean Up Blood Yourself | Crime Scene Cleaners

Why You Shouldn’t Clean Up Blood Yourself |

Crime Scene Cleaners


Why You Shouldn’t Clean Up Blood Yourself At A Crime Scene

Crime scene cleaners are highly experienced when it comes to cleaning up bodily fluid and blood. If a crime has been committed it is our job to take care of the crime scene, once the detectives or police officers have collected their evidence or carried out their investigations. This may be in a public space, an office building or in some cases in a home. With our specialist equipment, highly concentrated cleaning products and decontamination methods, our team will effectively disinfect and clean up the entire crime scene, leaving it professionally deep cleaned and decontaminated. Do not attempt to clean up blood yourself!


Crime scenes should never be attempted to be cleaned without the proper training, PPE, chemicals, and tools. A family should also never have to go through the experience of having to clean up after a traumatic experience. The number one reason a family elects to attempt to clean a scene on their own is money. Many companies charge an upfront fee just to show up! Bio-One NEVER asks for money up front to show up. Our motto is, "Help first. Business second." The professionals at Bio-One are here 24/7 if you ever need us! 


Here are three reasons to never clean up blood at a crime scene yourself!

1: Blood Stains Can Be Criminal Evidence

Whether a stabbing has taken place, a domestic incident, a suicide or a murder, never attempt to clean up blood stains or spills before contacting the police. If you attempt to clean up blood before the emergency services have arrived at the scene of the crime, you will be committing a crime. Blood stains, spills or spots are potential evidence and can help police officers piece together the incident and carry out their investigations. Blood will often be tested for DNA or photographed to help investigators decide whether a crime has been committed or not.

2: High Risk Of Infection

If a crime has been committed in your home, this can be a significantly traumatic experience. Once the police have left the crime scene and have told you that it’s OK to clean the property, you should hire professional crime scene cleaners.


If you attempt to clean up blood stains yourself you are putting your health at risk. Bodily fluids and blood spills can carry serious and in some cases life threatening infections and disease. If you don’t protect yourself by wearing the right personal protective equipment such as a hazmat suit, protective glasses, a face mask and a pair of gloves, you could contaminate your hands, clothes and shoes which can spread the fluids to other parts of your property. Not only is this a danger to your health, but cleaning up a crime scene in your own home can also impact your mental health too. Post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks and depression can all be triggered by witnessing a crime or attempting to clean up a crime scene on your own, so it’s always best to bring in the professionals.

3: Blood Stains Can Be Difficult To Clean

Blood is notoriously difficult to clean. Blood stains can ruin fabrics and soft furnishing and is extremely hard to remove. To clean up blood it’s important to act fast. Fresh blood stains are easier to clean than dried in spots of blood. The best course of action to deal with blood and body fluids at the scene of a crime is to seek professional help. Our highly experienced team of crime scene cleaners can provide a compassionate clean up service that will help restore your home and remove blood stains, spills and smells from the property.

About Bio-One Inc.

Bio-One Inc. is the first crime and trauma scene cleaning franchise, operating in 41 states with over 100 locations. Bio-One is committed to providing excellent service in recovery and suicide cleanup, homicide cleanup, hoarding situations, junk removal, deceased animal recovery, feces removal, pest and rodent droppings and much more. Each office is independently owned and operated by a member of the local community. For more information about Bio-One, visit us at